I needed something better than the Notes that came with my Pocket Outlook 2003, so I tried several journal applications. This was my favorite! I use both the desktop and pocket versions. Great for keeping track of what you do for what client, phone conversations, and notes for the next ASP Alliance article! This is not a plug-in for Pocket Outlook, but it can integrate with the Task and e-mail functions.
Some of the best features include having multiple journal files, with multiple journals in each file, password protection, easy navigation and time stamping. I use this on a Dell Axim X5 running Windows Mobile 2003.
Journal Pro w/ Desktop Bundle! by DSRTech, Inc.
Journal Pro is the definitive application for journal/diary keeping on the Pocket PC platform! And now it’s even better than ever…
With the addition of Journal Pro Desktop Edition you’re always ready to record your thoughts whether at home, the office, or on the road. And you’ll rest easy knowing that your files will always be in sync!
Version 2.6 contains version 2.5 of the desktop application and version 2.6 of the pocket pc application.
Features Include:
- Seamless Integration with Journal Pro Desktop Edition!
- Voice Recording
- File Encryption
- Skinning of the pocket pc application
- Lightening Fast Journal Access!
- Password Protection
- Categories Within Your Journal
- Full Text Searching
- Calendar Navigation and “Quick Nav”
- Skip Over Days With No Entry
- Pocket Outlook Task and Email Integration
- Font and Color Selection
- Text Export
- Auto-exit after inactivity timeout
- Purge Data When No Longer Needed
- Completely File Based
- Compatible with the new Pocket PC 2002 Operating System