This is beautiful code

If you’ve ever listened to Hanselminutes, you’ve no doubt heard Scott
mention “code smell” or “pretty code”.  The new language features in VB9,
including LINQ and XML being a native type, make XML generation not only easy,
but beautiful.  Aside from the color scheme, look at how smooth this code
snippet is.

Dim _order As New XElement(<Order>
    <ShipperRef><%= h.UniqueRef %></ShipperRef>
    <UniqueRef><%= IIf(h.CustomerPo <> "", h.CustomerPo, h.JdeNumber) %></UniqueRef>
    <Comments><%= _orderComments %></Comments>
    <OrderType><%= h.OrderType %></OrderType>
    <Workflow><%= h.Workflow %></Workflow>
    <RORRelationship><%= h.RORRelationship %></RORRelationship>
    <Supplier><%= h.SupplierNumber.ToString %></Supplier>
    <Customer><%= h.Customer.ToString %></Customer>
    <FreightBillableParty><%= h.FreightBillableParty %></FreightBillableParty>
    <HAZMAT><%= h.Hazmat %></HAZMAT>
    <GroupAssignment><%= SetGroupAssignment(h.GroupAssignment) %></GroupAssignment>
    <Weight><%= _orderWeight.ToString %></Weight>
    <Volume><%= _orderCube.ToString %></Volume>
    <OrderContact><%= h.PrimaryContactAssignment %></OrderContact>
    <ShipmentContact><%= h.PrimaryContactAssignment %></ShipmentContact>

2008 theme is DesertNights
, and the code was copied with CopySourceAsHtml.

RSS in .NET Made Easy with XML Serialization

Super simple and sweet:

So I was looking for a real quick way to publish an RSS feed from a Web
application I created for a friend and found some great articles and
components (
RSS Toolkit for ASP.NET 2.0.)  However, I
didn’t find anything that used XML Serialization (specifically) to work with
the RSS 2.0 Specification (maybe my Google skills are truly weak today.) 
I use XmlSerializer
religiously, and thought it would be quite trivial to build a set of classes
to quickly create and publish an RSS feed.   Thus, as any geek would
do, I did just that.

These classes are adorned with System.Xml.Serialization
attributes, which comply with the RSS 2.0 Specification.   To create
an RSS document, it’s no more difficult than creating and populating a PONO
(Plain Ole .NET Object.)

Full story at

Hat tip: Greg’s
Cool …

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