January BADNUG Meeting – Excel XML Writer and nHibernate

New Location!

Communifax has graciously offered to host us in their conference room.  They’re located just a minute or two down 228 from BC3; find directions at http://www.communifax.com/company/directions.aspx.  Thank you Communifax!

Tool of the Month (“use one, don’t be one”): Excel XML Writer

It’s a safe bet more business decisions are made in Excel worksheets than in all the boardrooms and golf courses in the world, combined.  If you spend any time at all querying data from ERP systems or data warehouses, and think there has to be a better way than VSTO, you’ll want to see this free library in action.  Rich Dudley will make your life a little better.

Main Presentation: nHibernate

We’ll all feel like hibernating come late January, but no time for naps yet.  nHibernate is an “object persistence library for relational databases”.  Basically that means you can use nHibernate to keep database stuff in memory, and get at it very easily, to build more scalable ASP.NET applications.  Eric Kepes will show us how.  We’d write a better description, but we don’t fully understand it ourselves.

Full details at http://badnug.org/Events/tabid/54/ctl/Details/Mid/370/ItemID/13/selecteddate/1%2F26%2F2006/Default.aspx.