DotNetNuke Tip: Change “Unit” to “Apt/Unit” in User Profile

When users register, the profile page asks for a Unit, right above the
Street.  A better label would be “Apt/Unit”, since this is the place to put
in an apartment number.  You can’t change this label in the
Manage Profile Properties, so you need to do a little editing.

There are at least 4 places you can change this text, but the only one that
affects the public view of a user’s profile is
~/admin/Users/App_LocalResources\Profile.ascx.resx.  Edit this file in a
text editor, find “Unit:” and change it to “Apt/Unit:”, then save it.  Your
registration and profile pages will now show the new label.

The label in the Manage Profile Properties won’t change (and I haven’t found
that edit yet), but your registration and user’s Manage Profile pages will all
show this change.

2 thoughts on “DotNetNuke Tip: Change “Unit” to “Apt/Unit” in User Profile”

  1. you can also do this via the DotNetNuke UI. Log in as host, go to host->languages. Now select ‘language editor’. Now expand out the treeview to your desired area i.e local resources->admin->users->app_localresources->profile.ascx, and make the change. You can also export out the resultant change as a language pack and use that for any new portals, so you don’t have to make the change everytime.

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