I can’t believe I’ve been back for a week, this week has been a blur.
I have to say thank you to the Montreal .NET Community, JS Tougas, Eric Moreau and Guy Barrette in particular. JS was my personal tour guide all week, and Eric treated Julie Lerman and myself to lunch on Friday. Overall, a great bunch of guys. Thanks also to Jim Duffy for the chat on the plane to Philly. Hope you got home after your delay.
Montreal .NET UG hosted a party one night, with some excellent beer and munchies. JS and I loaded up on poutine before heading over. There were giveaways, and I ended up winning an Aspose Total for .NET subscription because I dropped my business card in the pile. Awesome! That pretty much made the trip a wash for my company. I’m looking forward to using that in the very near future. JS had to catch his train home, and I had a little work to do, so we gave our door prize tickets to Julie (we’re each claiming 1/3 of anything she won). Plus, I wasn’t going to try and navigate the underground by myself after a couple beers.
There was plenty of swag given away at DevTeach. Dozens of thumb drives (I won a couple), as well as a big pile of books and I think 5 MSDN subscriptions. Microsoft kicked in a copy of Visual Studio 2008 Professional, Expression Web and the Tech-Ed DVDs for all attendees. Plus, the ever present messenger bag or backpack to take it all home in (from Leed’s, a local company).
Speaking of the Tech-Ed DVDs, they were produced with a beta of Silverlight, and don’t work with Silverlight 2.0 RTM. Eric has more information about how to play the Tech-Ed DVDs.
Guy uploaded his photos to Sky Drive. He’s the guy in the antlers.
So now that work is settling down a little, it’s time to do a little knowledge transfer with my team. We have some good challenges ahead of us, and some great new knowledge to help us along.