Crystal Reports .NET Error – “The request could not be submitted for background processing.”

There are several causes for this message, you should read all the information before trying any one of these solutions.

1) This is a known issue in some versions of Crystal Reports, and there is a hot fix at

Note that although the article’s metadata indicate this hotfix is for CR .NET, the body copy speaks only of CR 9.0.  As such, apply this hotfix with some trepidation.  On Win XP systems, you may want to make a retore point in case the hotfix messes up your installation.

2) On a Win 98 machine, exporting to HTML 3.2 or 4.0.  There is no known fix at this time.

This error message seems to stem from problems in crqe.dll, which is the Crystal Reports Query Engine.  If you search the knowledgebase at for crqe.dll, you’ll find additional articles that aren’t specific to this error message that may also help/

Crystal Reports .NET Programming
If you’re new to Crystal Reports, or just to CR .NET, this is the book you need. Part how-to, part programming reference, lots of simple examples in both C# and VB.NET.