Assuming you don’t actually have both a DataSource and DataSourceId defined on the same control, this may actually be a bug. My situation is Visual Studio 2008, compiling an application for .NET 2.0. I tested this with both Enterprise Library 2.0 and Enterprise Library 3.1. For me, I’m trying to hydrate a RadioButtonList from a dataset, which is created from a stored procedure call with a parameter passed. If I hardcode some values in the sproc and don’t pass the parameter, it all works fine. But, if I pass the parameter, I get the error. I have a workaround in mind, and I’ll post it whenI get it done.
I reported this at, with an issue ID = 323454; the title is “Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined…”. If you’re having the same problem, log in and vote for this issue–more votes = higher priority. The text of my report is below:
I’m using VS 2008 (9.0.21022.8 RTM), compiling for the .NET 2.0 framework.
On a web form, I’ve added a RadioButtonList, as below:
<asp:RadioButtonList ID=”rblShippingPlatform” runat=”server” CssClass=”FormFieldsAjax” />
In code behind, I call a function in a CBO in the same project to hydrate the values:
cPub.fillShippingPlatforms(rblShippingPlatform, cPublic.Segment.Lane)
The function in the CBO makes a call to the DAL, which is a shared library added as a project reference:
Public Sub fillShippingPlatforms(ByVal rblPlatforms As RadioButtonList, ByVal sSegment As String)
With rblPlatforms
.DataSource = cDb.GetShippingPlatforms(sSegment)
.DataValueField = “ShippingPlatformID”
.DataTextField = “ShippingPlatform”
End With
End Sub
The DAL simply executes a stored procedure and returns a dataset:
Public Function GetShippingPlatforms(ByVal sSegment As String) As DataSet
dB = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase
cmd = dB.GetStoredProcCommand(“lpGetShippingPlatforms”)
With dB
.AddInParameter(cmd, “@Segment”, DbType.String, sSegment)
Return .ExecuteDataSet(cmd)
End With
End Function
There’s nothing fancy here, but when I load the web form, I receive an error stating “Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined on ‘rblShippingPlatform’. Remove one definition. “.
I can hydrate the RadioButtonList if I adjust the stored procedure and remove the parameter handling.
Public Function GetShippingPlatforms(ByVal sSegment As String) As DataSet
dB = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase
Return dB.ExecuteDataSet(CommandType.StoredProcedure, “lpGetShippingPlatforms”)
End Function
This issue occurs with both the Jan 2006 and May 2007 versions of the Enterprise Library.
I am just having the same problem with a DDL, only in the runtime version. It was all working before, and I didn’t change anything with the DDL. Surely there is no DataSourceID assigned.
I am embarrased about Microsoft not solving this problem.